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Chord Ilahilastulil Firdaus Hadad Alwi

If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. Syair Abu Nawas Yaa ilaahii. Not Angka Pianika Lagu Haddad Alwi Sebuah Pengakuan Not Angka Itirof ilahilas tulil chord tab Posted by. Chord ilahilastulil firdaus hadad alwi . Elyaser2000 Thursday 25 December 2014 Ini lagu sering disebut kalo sama orang-orang mah Ilahilas tulil padahal aslinya judulnya tuh Itirof. Gb Ab Bb E Db B Ebm Abm Bbm Eb Chords for Syair Abu Nawas with song key BPM capo transposer play along with guitar piano ukulele mandolin. Chords for ilahilastulil firdaus-Hadad Alwi-syair abu nawas. Create and get 5 IQ. G C G G. F Dm C Cm Bb Am G Gm Chords for ilahilastulil firdaus-Hadad Alwi-syair abu nawas with song key BPM capo transposer play along with guitar piano ukulele mandolin. C G G7 - G - F C - G - C. C G F G C waala aqwa. C C G F C fahabli taubatan waghfir dzunubi. Syair Abu Nawas Menyentuh HatiHadad Alwi - ItiroofSemoga selalu dibimbing di jalan Allah SWTإلهي لست للفردوس ...